Digitizing maintenance processes is an important step for manufacturing companies to increase their efficiency. Maintenance software can help optimize the maintenance process and ensure better control over maintenance [...]

Akram Alraai


Akram Alraai Co-Founder & CEO

Maintenance management software/CMMSPredictive maintenance

Jack sloop - Maintenance workers

Digitizing maintenance processes is an important step for manufacturing companies to increase their efficiency. Maintenance software can help optimize the maintenance process and ensure better control over maintenance work. However, implementing such software can be challenging, especially if the company did not have a digital infrastructure before. But there are companies like Elara that help companies successfully implement maintenance software. In this article, we will discuss why implementing maintenance software is important and how Elara helps companies successfully implement the software.

Challenges in the introduction of maintenance software

Implementing maintenance software can be a challenge for companies, especially if there has been no previous digitization. Maintenance software often requires changing work processes and getting employees accustomed to the new technology. There is also the challenge of integrating existing maintenance knowledge and processes into the software to ensure that all relevant information can be captured and used.

Another obstacle is the lack of clear responsibilities and processes. It is often difficult to get the maintenance team and managers on the same page regarding the goals of implementing maintenance software. It can also be difficult to communicate the added value of digitizing maintenance processes and to get the necessary support and resources from senior management.

Implementing maintenance software also often requires a significant investment, both financially and in terms of time spent implementing and training staff. As a result, the digitization of maintenance processes is often perceived as lengthy and complex.

However, there are solutions to overcome these challenges. Some vendors, such as Elara, offer comprehensive maintenance software implementation support, including implementation, staff training and ongoing support. Elara staff can also help set up processes and digitize documents to make the transition to maintenance software as smooth as possible.

How Elara supports companies

Elara is a maintenance software that was also developed for the requirements of manufacturing companies. The software helps companies digitally transform their maintenance processes and offers a wide range of features to get started.

When implementing Elara, companies are supported by a dedicated onboarding team that helps set up the software and implement work processes. Here, it is important that the company’s requirements and maintenance goals are clearly defined to make the software rollout the best it can be. Elara assists companies in this process by customizing the setup of the software to the individual needs of the company.

Another advantage of Elara is that the software is designed to be very user-friendly. The interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it easy to get started with the software. Training can also be provided by Elara to help the company’s employees get started with the software.

Elara also offers the ability to manage maintenance work and orders on the go. The mobile app makes it possible to access maintenance data, create work orders and track the progress of maintenance work from anywhere.

In addition, Elara offers full integration with the company’s existing IT infrastructure. For example, the software can be linked to ERP systems or machine control systems to exchange data automatically. This facilitates the recording of maintenance work and minimizes sources of error.


  • Process optimization support: Elara helps companies optimize their maintenance processes and adapt them to the needs of their operations.
  • Document management: Elara helps companies to digitize their documents and store them in the software to ensure efficient management.
  • Training and education: Elara provides training and education sessions to prepare maintenance personnel for the software and ensure it is used effectively.
  • On-site support: Elara also assists companies with on-site installation and implementation of the software to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Customer support: Elara offers customer support via email, phone and chat to ensure that businesses always get help when they need it.

In summary, implementing maintenance software like Elara can be challenging, but at the same time it provides a tremendous opportunity to streamline maintenance processes and make them more efficient. With the support of the onboarding team and the user-friendly software of Elara, the introduction of the software is made easier and the entry into digital maintenance is made possible.


In summary, the introduction of maintenance software can be challenging for companies, especially if no digital processes were previously in place. But the benefits of such software are enormous, from improved efficiency and productivity to increased transparency and security in maintenance processes.

This is where Elara can help companies by assisting them with the adoption and implementation of their software. From assisting with process design to providing on-site training and education, Elara provides companies with a comprehensive onboarding experience to ensure their maintenance software adoption goes smoothly.

In addition, Elara also provides a solution for companies that are already using older or poorly performing maintenance software. The transition to Elara can be done without much effort and the maintenance team can quickly and easily work with the new software. Existing data from the old software can also be imported into Elara to ease the transition.

Overall, the introduction of maintenance software is a worthwhile investment for any manufacturing company. With Elara at your side, you can be sure that the transition to digital maintenance processes will be successful and stress-free.

[In the age of AI, you never know if you’re reading something copy and pasted directly from ChatGPT, or if an actual human sat down to write this with some cool facts from their boss or operations team. That’s why we created a short and simple introduction to how we create content at Elara.]

Akram Alraai


Akram Alraai Co-Founder & CEO

Akram Alraai is Elara's CEO and co-founder. With a mathematical background and previous experience at the Fraunhofer Institut, Akram has a strong background in the maintenance industry. Outside of his professional endeavors, his priority is quality time with his family.