Elara: Solution for efficient knowledge management and optimized teamwork In today's world, efficient knowledge management and optimized teamwork play a crucial role in a company's success. Rieke Germany [...]

Akram Alraai


Akram Alraai Co-Founder & CEO


Elara: Solution for efficient knowledge management and optimized teamwork

In today’s world, efficient knowledge management and optimized teamwork play a crucial role in a company’s success. Rieke Germany GmbH, a leading company in production and toolmaking, has decided to implement Elara Digital to optimize its internal processes. We met with Mathias Werther, Head of Production, and Ralf Kreutz, Head of Toolmaking, to discuss their experiences and the benefits of Elara Digital in their operations.

The versatile knowledge database: Maintenance optimization and collaboration with Elara

Rieke Germany GmbH was particularly fascinated by Elara Digital because of its ability to bundle and archive company knowledge. The platform enables them to simplify procedures and processes, participate in the development actively, and implement operating instructions and additional information. Thanks to Elara, they can track the path of archive cabinets and specify procedural instructions for machine and tooling.

The company describes Elara as a versatile knowledge database that helps optimize processes. Before implementing Elara, Rieke Germany GmbH had problems with separate archives for different departments, inefficient processes, and unclear folder structures. Elara helped overcome these challenges and improve collaboration.

The use of Elara has fundamentally changed teamwork at Rieke Germany GmbH. The program starts process chains from quality assurance to setters to toolmaking, maintenance, and production to get to the bottom of errors and deal with their causes. Employees now have to work intensively with the program, which means that less paper and Excel are used.

After implementing Elara, recurring problems have been resolved, traceability has improved, and processes have become more efficient and visible. Rieke Germany GmbH emphasizes that Elara applies to all areas and can manage a complete plant with its flexibility. Particularly noteworthy is the uncomplicated integration of processes, checklists, template creation, and instructions. It is self-explanatory how it works.

Elara at Rieke packaging

Before Elara was introduced, collaboration in the company was complex. Information was filed in different places. You had to follow up on mistakes because the information was not in one place. Now information is centralized, and everyone can see it. Before, setters had to fill in different information in three different places. Now it has become common practice to document everything in Elara.

Finally, the interview with Rieke Germany GmbH shows how Elara Digital can significantly improve efficiency and collaboration in companies. By centrally bundling information and optimizing processes, teamwork is made more effective and transparent. Rieke Germany GmbH is an excellent example of how Elara Digital can help transform operations and ultimately contribute to the company’s success.

Successful implementation: Rieke Germany GmbH benefits from Elara

Rieke Germany GmbH’s experience shows that Elara Digital is a powerful solution for companies looking to streamline their internal processes and improve teamwork. The platform provides a flexible and user-friendly environment to manage all factory operations effectively. Implementing Elara has eliminated recurring issues, improved traceability, and made processes more efficient and visible. If your company would also like to benefit from the advantages of Elara Digital, do not hesitate to take a closer look and explore the possibilities of collaboration.

[In the age of AI, you never know if you’re reading something copy and pasted directly from ChatGPT, or if an actual human sat down to write this with some cool facts from their boss or operations team. That’s why we created a short and simple introduction to how we create content at Elara.]

Akram Alraai


Akram Alraai Co-Founder & CEO

Akram Alraai is Elara's CEO and co-founder. With a mathematical background and previous experience at the Fraunhofer Institut, Akram has a strong background in the maintenance industry. Outside of his professional endeavors, his priority is quality time with his family.